Karan Tanna

Discovery Projects

Welcome to my creative playground where bits and atom come to life. Pursuing new ideas, exploring new media, and new places.

Computational Design and Algorithmic Art

Explore how I create art through code, blending aesthetics with algorithms to produce visually captivating and complex designs.

Learning to See : Exploring Life in Focus

Explore photographic journeys intertwined with personal reflections, travel tales, and visual stories from around the globe.

Weaving Stories through Illustrations

Discover the magic of storytelling through illustrations, where every line and color tells a part of a greater tale, rich in detail and emotion.

How to Make (Almost) Anything

Discover my journey of mastering 21 skills in 21 weeks at Fab Academy, a diploma program led by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld, Director at CBA, MIT Media Lab.