Computational Design and Algorithmic Art
Explore how I create art through code, blending aesthetics with algorithms to produce visually captivating and complex designs.
- Individual
- Photography, Writing
- Ongoing
- 2016
The simulation of a varioation of Chaos Equation is mathametically represented as combnation of sine and cosine functions. The values of variables varies according to perlin noise algoritm with respect to time.
nx = sin(a * y) – cos(b * x)
ny = sin(c * x) – cos(d * y)
The Code
//Generative Art Workshop 2023
//Based on DeJong Equation and Perlin Noise
let a = 0;
let b = 0;
let c = 0;
let d = 0;
let startA, startB, startC, startD;
let endA, endB, endC, endD;
let t = 0;
let tIncrement = 0.005;
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 700);
function draw() {
// Align canvas in center of screen
translate(width/2, height/2);
// Use Perlin noise to smoothly transition between sets of values
if (t >= 1) {
startA = endA;
startB = endB;
startC = endC;
startD = endD;
do {
endA = random(-6, 6);
} while ((endA > -1.01 && endA < 1.01) || (endA > -0.4 && endA < 0.4));
do {
endB = random(-6, 6);
} while ((endB > -1.01 && endB < 1.01) || (endB > -0.4 && endB < 0.4));
do {
endC = random(-6, 6);
} while ((endC > -1.01 && endC < 1.01) || (endC > -0.4 && endC < 0.4));
do {
endD = random(-6, 6);
} while ((endD > -1.01 && endD < 1.01) || (endD > -0.4 && endD < 0.4));
t = 0;
a = lerp(startA, endA, t);
b = lerp(startB, endB, t);
c = lerp(startC, endC, t);
d = lerp(startD, endD, t);
stroke(255, 50);
let negR = -6;
let posR = 6;
let x0 = random(negR, posR);
let y0 = random(negR, posR);
deJong(a, b, c, d, x0, y0, 25000);
t += tIncrement;
function deJong(a, b, c, d, x0, y0, iterations) {
let x = x0;
let y = y0;
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
let nx = sin(a * y) - cos(b * x);
let ny = sin(c * x) - cos(d * y);
x = nx;
y = ny;
point(map(x, -3, 3, -width/2, width/2), map(y, -3, 3, -height/2, height/2));
function keyPressed() {
if (key === "s" || key === "S") {
save("deJong_a" + a.toFixed(2) + "_b" + b.toFixed(2) + "_c" + c.toFixed(2) + "_d" + d.toFixed(2) + ".png");
Final Artwork