Karan Tanna

Weaving Stories through Illustrations

Discover the magic of storytelling through illustrations, where every line and color tells a part of a greater tale, rich in detail and emotion.

“Art doesn’t give rise to anything in us that isn’t already there. It simply stirs our curious consciousness and sparks a fire that illuminates who we have always wanted to be.” – Kamand Kojouri

This section unfolds  visual narratives that I created through various mediums to address ideas that I discovered through my experiences.

“His world was on fire, everyone saw him burning. But no one noticed fire within him, the fire to burn with brightest flame.”

“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

“Strange how complicated we can make life just to avoid showing what we actually feel !”

Have you ever put your earphones/ piece of thread in pocket randomly ? And the moment you pick it out it find it to be tangled up, wondering how the hell did it tangled up ? In the end you end up sitting to untangle it. Sometimes you end up with knots which are impossible to remove without cutting it.⁣

The similar thing happens with things in our life too. One day we take a thing for granted, then again the other day ; each time it gets more complex than it was and then having a big mess of complex relationships with surroundings. ⁣

We never put an effort to spend time on details and the the entire thing becomes what we call ugly ( in actual terms “complicated” ).⁣

“Keep green trees in your heart, perhaps singing birds will come.⁣” – Chinese Proverb

A tree is nourished by the sun, by nutrients in the soil and the air and the refreshing rain, among other ideal conditions for its growth. So is our being nourished in different ways. ⁣

Think about what filth keeps your window opaque? Which dirt blocks you from a crystal clear vision? Take a mop and wipe it. You need to get away with toxic elements that hinders your inner growth.⁣

Here, singing birds are referred as joy, peace, ecstasy, love etc. When you cleanse your internal being with positivity and nurture it with consciousness. ⁣When you provide a platform for your singing birds to nurture themselves, they’ll definitely make their home in your heart.⁣

“We’re blind to our blindness. We have very little idea of how little we know. We’re not designed to know how little we know. A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide.”

“I was lightning before the thunder.” ⁣

We hold on things into our selves in form of various energies. Either be good or bad, it doesn’t pop out from nowhere. Instead seed is always there and we just water it. ⁣

That little bird you warmed all your life; someday will break the walls of egg.⁣

The lightning you’re holding within will break then walls and turn into thunder. And a new energy would emerge.